Privacy Protection Policy

Privacy Protection Policy

We and our subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as the "Morita Group") recognize that it is our social responsibility to handle the personal information of stakeholders including customers and business partners in an appropriate manner. Accordingly, we have established the following Privacy Protection Policy and take all possible measures to protect personal information by ensuring that all officers and employees comply with the policy.
Our subsidiary refers to a domestic company whose decision-making body is substantially controlled by Morita Holdings Corporation on the basis of its holding the majority of the voting rights in the subsidiary, its having dispatched the majority of the members of the subsidiary's management team, or its agreement, etc. For the names and addresses of the companies of the Morita Group, the names of the representatives of those companies, and other relevant details, please refer to the website of each company specified below.

[Morita Group Website]
*Japanese language version only


Morita Group Privacy Protection Policy

  1. Compliance with laws, regulations, etc.
    The Morita Group complies with laws and regulations on the proper handling of personal information and other relevant rules.
  2. Acquisition of personal information and the purposes of its use
    The Morita Group acquires personal information in a proper manner. Unless otherwise provided by law, the group gives notice of or announces the purposes of use of personal information, uses it within the scope of those purposes, and prohibits its improper use.
    For details on the handling of the personal information of corporate business partners, refer to the following
    - Handling of the personal information of corporate business partners
  3. Education of officers and employees
    The Morita Group educates all of its officers and employees so that they understand the importance of privacy protection and handle personal information properly.
  4. Safety control measures
    In connection with personal information, the Morita Group strives to prevent any unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage and takes proper safety control measures.
  5. Third-party provision
    Unless otherwise provided by law, the Morita Group will not give personal information to any third party without obtaining the prior consent of the person in question.
  6. Joint use
    The Morita Group jointly uses the personal information of customers and business partners within the scope of the purposes of its use. The scope of personal information subject to joint use is as follows.
    [Name; address; telephone number; email address; name of the organization of affiliation; department and position; purchase history of products, etc.; maintenance history; details of various inquiries; etc.]
  7. Outsourcing
    When outsourcing the handling of personal information, the Morita Group exercises proper supervision to ensure that the safety of such personal information is managed.
  8. Notification of the purposes of use, disclosure, correction, addition, suspension of use, etc.
    The Morita Group has instituted the procedure for notification of the purposes of use of retained personal data from which the person associated with the data is identifiable, the procedure for disclosure of retained personal data, the procedure for correction/addition/deletion, and the procedure for suspension of use/erasure/prohibition of third-party provision, among other procedures. For specific details on those procedures, see "Procedure for requesting the disclosure, etc. of retained personal data".
    Furthermore, the Morita Group accepts your opinions and inquiries concerning its handling of personal information.
  9. Internal system, internal regulations, etc.
    The Morita Group strives to continuously review and improve its management system and internal regulations for privacy protection and its relevant approaches.

(March 1, 2024)

Morita Holdings Corporation
Shinichi Kanaoka, President
[Contact point regarding privacy protection]
General Affairs Department, Group Corporate Division

Handling of Personal Information on Our Websites

Morita Holdings Corporation and each of the companies of the Morita Group (hereinafter referred to as a "group company") exercise utmost care in privacy protection so as to enable customers to comfortably use the website of each company of the Morita Group (hereinafter referred to as a "group company website").
To this end, each group company website carefully handles the personal information of customers and protects their privacy in accordance with the following policies.
Please note that the details of those policies are subject to change without prior notice. Thank you for your understanding.

1. Personal Information

The term "personal information" on each group company website refers to names, email addresses, telephone numbers, addresses, or other information from which an individual customer can be identified.

2. Cookies

Each group company website uses access analysis tools to provide a better user experience of the website and may use cookies to gather data.
A cookie is a piece of information saved on devices that can be connected to the Internet, such as the computers and smart devices of customers who have visited a website.
Each group company website uses information stored in relevant cookies, such as the number of website visits and which websites were visited, in order to improve service usability.
Cookies used on group company websites will not be used for any purpose other than those mentioned above.
If you do not wish to have your cookie information used, you can change the settings of your web browser to refuse to receive cookies or delete cookie information saved on the browser. For details on how to configure your web browser, please contact its software manufacturer.
Please note that some webpage functions may not be available when cookies are disabled.

3. Personal Information Collection

Some group company websites may ask you for your personal information; for example, personal information may be required when you reply to a questionnaire which directly asks for your requests or opinions concerning a group company's products or services, or when you enter a giveaway competition. Even in such cases, we will specify to you the purpose of collecting personal information and the scope of its use before asking you for your information. Additionally, we will make efforts to ask you for as little information as possible.

4. Use of Personal Information

Personal information provided by users will be used for legitimate purposes, such as for the development of better Morita Group products, for improvement of our services, and for provision of information on events, products, and services (by means of telephone, email, direct mail, etc.), within the scope of use communicated at the time of collecting the information.
Furthermore, we also utilize statistical materials (for example, the age distribution of users of group company websites) created based on provided personal information for better website management.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

As a rule, any personal information that you have provided on any group company websites will not be disclosed to other companies or individuals without obtaining your consent. However, we may disclose your personal information, for example, when requested by a third party to whom you, as a user of any group company website, have caused any disadvantage, or when required by any court of law or public agency such as the police to disclose relevant personal information in accordance with a proper procedure.

6. Protection and Management of Personal Information

The Morita Group takes stringent security measures with administrators assigned to prevent personal information from being lost, misused, falsified, or otherwise handled in any other similar manner.
However, given the nature of the Internet, we cannot assure you of the security of the personal information that you intend to send. Accordingly, please send your information on your own responsibility.
Furthermore, please note that the Morita Group will not assume any obligation concerning, or take any responsibility for, the protection or any use of personal information collected by third-party websites that are not group company websites but are linked to group company websites.
