
Declaration of Compliance

The Morita Group believes that continuously striving to be a company trusted by society is of utmost importance. Based on this principle, as of June 1, 2009, we have prescribed the "Morita Group's Basic Compliance Policy" as stated below.
For the purpose of truthfully adhering to regulations as declared in this basic policy, ensuring proper disclosure and management of information, maintaining respect for human rights and the environment, as well as disassociating ourselves from antisocial influence and conduct, the Morita Group has established a "Compliance Committee". Regulations are prescribed for matters such as compliance regulations, compliance manuals, corporate gift exchange and corporate entertainment guidelines, and prevention of illegal transactions. In-company training is conducted regarding risk assessment, etc., related to violations of the aforementioned matters. We also conduct activities for informing and promoting the understanding of these matters by all employees. In addition, for the purpose of this basic policy, business transactions with new customers are conducted after performing appropriate evaluations (including evaluations of compliance-related matters).
As per the above, we declare that each of our company group's employees will conduct sincere business activities with respect to compliance, in order to continue fulfilling our corporate social responsibility.

Morita Group Basic Compliance Policy

  1. We understand that the most important challenge as a corporation is to remain trusted by society. To this end, we will ensure compliance; namely, we will conform to not only laws and regulations but also all norms, such as in-house and social norms, as well as various rules, including ethics. In addition, we will engage in sincere corporate activities on the basis of opinions and indications from every stakeholder.
  2. Specifically, we will make an all-out effort to achieve the following:
    1. Compliance with laws and regulations:
      In our corporate activities, we will solely carry out lawful activities in compliance with laws and regulations in every field, including not merely criminal laws, but also the Unfair Competition Prevention Act which prohibits bribery of foreign public officials, the Antimonopoly Act which prohibits involvement in bid-rigging, etc., consumer laws including the Consumer Contract Act, environmental laws, and intellectual property laws.
    2. Disclosure of information and appropriate management of information:
      We will quickly make public information that is required to be disclosed, including information on problems regarding products and accounting. We will eliminate inadequate account processing such as window dressing. Through these actions, we will always strive to disclose accurate corporate information. As for information held by us, including personal and corporate information, we will provide appropriate management that meets the requirements of laws and regulations, etc.
    3. Respect of human rights and environment:
      In carrying out corporate activities, we will strive to achieve not only legal compliance but also respect for human rights, the environment, etc., from the viewpoint of CSR (corporate social responsibility).
    4. Discontinuation of relationship with antisocial forces:
      We will take decisive action against antisocial forces that pose a threat to the safety of civil society, normal corporate transactions, and other aspects of society.

Shinichi Kanaoka, President
